Night and Fog is a WoD MUSH, set in San Fransisco.
as the MUSH Darkweb, N&F became a splinter game, when Darkweb shut down.
The year is 2010, but there have been no catastrophes, or major world
changes. San Jose (where Darkweb was set
) was
ravaged by riots which killed a
great many people, and many survivors fled to nearby San
Fransisco, which is where the story picks up.
We have several kinds of characters available to
Some of these are supernatural, and others are mortals. The supernatural
players need to be applied for with the proper Wizard, while a mortal
character can go through character generation, and be on the grid faster.
The supernatural races available are below. Email the wizard in question,
or log into NF and +mail them.
| Mages Wraiths Vampires Shifters Numina Night and Fog is:NIGHTFOG.GOTHPOODLE.COM 8251 |